8 Essential Facts for Hiring Managers about the Candidate Experience

Hiring managers are responsible for bringing on new talent, but they can’t do it alone.

They need to be able to communicate effectively with candidates throughout the hiring process, and that starts at the very beginning of an interview. This guide will teach you how to help your team find the best candidates while making sure they have a great experience throughout their journey into your company.

1. The interview is the candidate’s first impression of your company.

The interview is the candidate’s first impression of your company. As such, it’s important to make sure that all aspects of your interview process are consistent and professional. Your hiring managers should:

• Make sure that every interviewer has read up on the role they will be interviewing for and understands what skills are most important for success in that role. This will help them form questions based on their understanding of the position rather than relying solely on their gut reactions or assumptions about what might be relevant information during an interview (which can lead to bias).

• Ensure that each interviewer receives training on how to conduct an effective interview so all candidates receive unbiased feedback from everyone at your organization who talks with them during the process–this includes phone interviews as well as face-to-face interactions with potential colleagues or managers later down the line if needed!

2. Candidates expect transparency and honesty.

Candidates want to know what they are getting into. They want transparency and honesty, so it’s important to be upfront with them about what the job is like and how long you expect them to stay on board at your organization.

Candidates want to make sure that they are being treated fairly during the hiring process. If you give off any signals that suggest otherwise (e.g., not responding promptly or following up), it could negatively impact your company’s reputation among candidates who may have been interested in applying for other positions after their interview process ends with yours!


3. Never assume that the candidate’s experience ends with an interview.

The interview is the first step in the hiring process, but it is not the only one. After a candidate has met with your team, they’ll need to go through several rounds of interviews with other departments at your company before they are offered a job. This can take anywhere from two weeks to two months depending on how quickly everyone else moves through their part of the process and how much time it takes for them to make up their minds about whether or not they want this person working at their company too.

In addition to being patient with each other as everyone goes through this lengthy process together (and remembering that there are more people involved than just yourself), here’s a tip for keeping things positive along the way:

• Be sure that each person who interviews someone knows what kind of feedback will be helpful for them later on down in line; don’t assume that just because someone was nice enough during his/her initial meeting means he/she will remember everything said during subsequent conversations later down the road!


Recommended Reading

HR 101: Hiring Toolkit Your all-in-one guide to interviewing, hiring, and onboarding new employees.

4. The candidate experience is an extension of your employer brand.

Candidates want to know what it’s like to work at your company before they apply, so make sure you’re doing everything you can to show them the good, the bad, and the ugly. After all, if they don’t like what they see in their research or on LinkedIn (or even in person), they’ll take their talents elsewhere.

5. Interviewers should be able to provide feedback within 48 hours of an interview so candidates know where they stand.

Not only is providing timely feedback considerate to the candidate, but it also reflects positively on the company’s hiring process. Here are some reasons why giving feedback within 48 hours is recommended:

• Candidates appreciate timely communication and it helps them feel valued and respected throughout the hiring process.

• It allows candidates to address any concerns or questions they may have about their performance in the interview.

• Candidates may be considering other job opportunities and providing prompt feedback can help the company stay competitive in the hiring market.

• Providing feedback can also help the company build a positive reputation among job seekers, leading to a stronger applicant pool in the future.

Overall, providing feedback within 48 hours of an interview is a win-win situation for both the candidate and the company.

6. Candidate engagement starts with a great application form or email outreach and keeps them engaged throughout the process.

If you’re not thinking about how to make the candidate experience a part of your employer brand, then you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to attract top talent. The candidate experience is what candidates will remember most about working with your company, so ensuring it’s positive from beginning to end can have lasting impacts on their opinion of your company – and even whether or not they apply again in the future!

Candidate engagement starts with a great application form or email outreach and keeps them engaged throughout the process. It’s important that every step along the way feels seamless and easy for applicants; each interaction should be personalized so applicants feel valued as individuals (and not just another piece of data).


Recommended Reading


7. You can make job applications easy by leveraging smart technology tools like HR for Health.

Store all your onboarding forms, new hire checklists, and job descriptions inpexels-mikhail-nilov-7777154 one convenient location with our cloud-based software. We offer pre-made templates to help streamline your onboarding process and ensure that your team remains aligned with interviewing best practices.

Plus, take the stress off hiring by using this HR 101: Hiring Toolkit. In it, you’ll find tools and techniques to help your company successfully hire new employees

• Compliant hiring processes

• Rephrasing tough interview questions

• Reference check form

• Salary history report by state and municipality

• Sample offer letter

• List of federal onboarding forms 

8. Hiring managers should ensure their teams have the best tools available to communicate with candidates, as well as consistently communicate expectations from start to finish

Good communication is key to a successful hiring process. Hiring managers should have the best tools available to communicate with candidates, and make sure their team members are equipped with those same resources so they can stay on track throughout the entire hiring process.


If you want to attract top talent, you need to make sure they have an exceptional experience from start to finish. The candidate experience is an extension of your employer brand and can be used as a way to differentiate yourself from other companies. It’s important that hiring managers understand how important this is so they can better equip their teams with tools like HR for Health that will make it easier for candidates to apply for jobs and stay engaged throughout the process.

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