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The latest HR news, tips, tricks, and trends to keep you up-to-date and compliant!

Running your dental practice is a full-time job, and human resources tasks only add to the overwhelming workload. Automating some of these functions with advanced HR tools in a human

Your dental patients depend on your team to stay safe, but safety doesn’t happen by accident. Your leadership style has a direct connection to the quality of patient care your

In a busy dental practice, you put your patients first. Time-consuming tasks that don’t contribute to patient care are low priority. Often, HR audits fall into that category. After all,

You wouldn’t ever operate as a doctor or dentist without malpractice insurance, but countless dental practices — especially smaller private practices — operate without a dedicated human resources team. It’s

Background checks are a must in dentistry. It’s just too dangerous to skip them, because you are responsible for the care they provide to your patients. 

Be honest. What’s your leadership style? Do you coach? Support? Delegate? Direct? Or a combination of all four? Whatever your style, it’s critical that you implement leadership on healthcare employees

We all have our stress triggers during the workday — demanding patients, multitasking, that towering stack of medical bill receipts, the phone call you don’t have time to return, or

Even in the best of times, managing stress in your dental practice  is a serious issue. This makes sense: After all, you’re tasked with helping people keep their teeth and

With new CDC vaccine guidelines rolling out, employers are left wondering about their duties and obligations related to employee vaccines.

UPDATED 5/31/2023 Bereavement leave can be bewildering. Beware these five common mistakes when designing a bereavement leave policy for your dental, optometry, or veterinary practice.

Even small dental practices must provide reasonable accommodations for employees. While this may seem like a hurdle, being informed helps simplify the process.

What happens if a team member in your dental practice rejects the COVID-19 vaccine? And what should you do? A dental HR guide.

Exit interviews have become standard in dental workplaces over the past ten years. Some may wonder why one would ask deep questions of a team member who is planning to

Every successful dental practice depends on more than just its medical professionals. Behind the scenes, a functioning HR department can be every bit as crucial as a skilled dentist. Some

The dental industry faces a lot of challenges when it comes to compliance issues, and especially, payroll. Ask any dental practice for their biggest expense, and you’re likely to hear

UPDATED 04/12/2023 Documenting employee performance issues is challenging on both sides of the table. Employers don’t enjoy delivering an unpleasant message, and it is difficult for dental employees to hear

The importance of annual performance reviews cannot be overstated. This process offers your employees a chance to see where they shine, along with many opportunities for sharpening their skills. 

Things can get awkward when a team member “ghosts” you – a phenomenon that is otherwise known as job abandonment. The employee simply vanishes, and you can’t be sure whether

UPDATED 8/30/22 Performance reviews in your dental practice hold nearly innumerable benefits. That being said, creating and delivering a high-quality performance review takes time — something that is in short

UPDATED 08/10/2023 Employees quit, it happens — especially in the dental industry.

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