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The latest HR news, tips, tricks, and trends to keep you up-to-date and compliant!

Performance measurement is an important part of developing dentistry, optometry, and veterinary care teams. 

As a practice owner and employer, you must prevent harassment and deal with it thoroughly and promptly when it occurs in your dental, optometry, or veterinary practice.

Working in a veterinary practice presents its own unique challenges. It can be a high-stress environment, just like any other healthcare practice. However you are in charge of caring for

What is an Independent Contractor? Your veterinary practice will likely have moments where you need to bring on employees – on a temporary basis – to handle certain job responsibilities.

Every veterinary practice will, at some point, have employees quit. Most of the time, this is a relatively routine process, meaning that the individual in question has simply found a

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a veterinary practice that never has to deal with poor employee performance. Underperforming employees can be huge problems in a variety of ways:

As someone who runs a veterinarian practice, your main passion is to take care of pets and other animals. However, you know full well that being in charge requires more

It’s a rare person who wakes up in the morning and decides that they truly enjoy doing paperwork. This activity is not fun, and it’s time-consuming, to put it mildly.

There is no question about it: The COVID-19 vaccine has been a controversial one. Perhaps this controversy has been more significant than in the healthcare world, as many employers have

You opened your practice to care for animals, not manage paperwork. There isn’t a single veterinary practice that enjoys managing their employee’s paperwork and timesheets. It is cumbersome, labor-intensive, and

Onboarding your new veterinarian hire begins from the moment you receive the acceptance from your candidate, and it doesn’t end until you’ve fully integrated your new employee into your organization.

Employee handbooks for veterinary practices are important as a knowledge source for you and your employees.

COVID-19 has been a challenge for everyone in the healthcare industry, including medical professionals who treat four-legged patients. While you’re busy helping clients and their pets, you still have a

California does not require dental practices to create an employee handbook. However, it’s still a good idea to have one, as a handbook can help create expectations for employees and

The Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA, is a federal law that serves as a crucial safeguard for employees across various industries, including dentistry, optometry, and veterinary. It is designed

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