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The latest HR news, tips, tricks, and trends to keep you up-to-date and compliant!

Everyone looks forward to a holiday, especially when it’s considered paid time off. However, many employees are shocked to learn that no federal law or regulation mandates employers to offer

Payroll is always a first-line priority for practice owners, especially in the dental field, which can include a relatively large number of employees for even a small practice.

You would never build a building without a step-by-step plan. Likewise, you would never start a new dental practice without a new business checklist outlining what you need. Similarly, you

The Ultimate Guide to HR Forms for Dentists: What You Need and Where to Find It Have you ever wondered why you need to keep records of each activity in

Employee onboarding is an essential component of any healthcare practice. However, many practices consider onboarding a simple matter of employees filling out paperwork and attending a one-day orientation. 

Timekeeping may not always seem like the most essential consideration for your dental practice. 

As an employer, you have many obligations to the people who work for you: To create a safe working environment, to protect them from discrimination or sexual harassment, and to

Workplace violation documentation is one of the most often overlooked aspects of your HR process, and it’s absolutely necessary. Without proper documentation and record-keeping, you could face legal problems, penalties,

Many dental, optometry and medical practices want a policy that communicates that they have a drug-free workplace. This is necessary for practices due to countless reasons, including the safety of

We get it: You have a million things going on in your healthcare practice. Between caring for your patients, dealing with insurance companies, and trying to ensure you have enough

Every dental practice knows it: It is HARD to find employees these days. This means your salary package must be more competitive than ever, and if you manage a dental

UPDATED 09/21/2023 Until recently, you may not have even thought much about your Dental Health and Safety Policy. Sure, it may be one of the policies you have for your

Nobody expected a pandemic, much less the resulting shutdown of businesses and establishments due to lockdowns and quarantines. Like every health industry, dental practices worldwide had to take a step

Goodbyes happen for all sorts of reasons in your dental practice. Whatever the reason, you should have an onboarding process in place to ensure a safe and seamless transition. You

Employee onboarding starts long before a new team member steps foot in your practice. A new hire’s first day — then first week and first month — forms the foundation

Unfortunately, there are few areas in public and health policy today as contentious as the COVID-19 vaccine, and it remains a significant source of controversy. There is currently an extensive

California does not require dental practices to create an employee handbook. However, it’s still a good idea to have one, as a handbook can help create expectations for employees and

Timesheets are just simple components of the bigger HR picture, right? Minor mistakes, however, can lead to major consequences. You don’t need the hassle of litigation — you have a

On September 9, 2021, President Biden directed the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to develop an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS), requiring all employers with 100 or

UPDATED 8/24/22 Let’s start with the basics: What is FFCRA? The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was implemented at the federal level, effective April 2020.

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