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The latest HR news, tips, tricks, and trends to keep you up-to-date and compliant!

Every organization has the potential to suffer from low employee engagement, and a medical, dental, or chiropractic practice is no different. Indeed, there are many instances where the direct action

An employee performance plan is a critical part of the professional development and performance review of one of your employees. Also known as a performance improvement plan (PIP), these plans

Job descriptions may be part of your onboarding process for new employees at your dental, optometry, physical therapy, or veterinary practice; but you may not be using them to their

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a veterinary practice that never has to deal with poor employee performance. Underperforming employees can be huge problems in a variety of ways:

If you’ve been managing your practice for more than a hot second, you know that employee management is a vital tool for any practice. Done well, it can help your

UPDATED 09/06/23 Conducting performance reviews can feel like pulling teeth. They need to be done, but often they’re done poorly or in a perfunctory manner.

When it comes to technology, it’s a brave new world. Mobile devices have allowed for enhanced productivity, remote working possibilities like never before, and the chance to ensure that all

Automated reminders for performance reviews, made-for-you templates, and a single, secure location for all your notes — sound like a dream? Short of having a performance review fairy who flies

UPDATED 04/12/2023 Documenting employee performance issues is challenging on both sides of the table. Employers don’t enjoy delivering an unpleasant message, and it is difficult for dental employees to hear

Performance management is one of the best ways to challenge and motivate health care teams. It’s also an essential tool for team leaders, who can use this system to assess

The importance of annual performance reviews cannot be overstated. This process offers your employees a chance to see where they shine, along with many opportunities for sharpening their skills. 

UPDATED 8/30/22 Performance reviews in your dental practice hold nearly innumerable benefits. That being said, creating and delivering a high-quality performance review takes time — something that is in short

In the dental industry, finding the right employees is key to your financial success, but more importantly, it is vital to the health of your patients. A poor hire in

When it comes to the onboarding process for dentists, optometrists, and veterinarians, one of the most common challenges that managers and practice owners face is dealing with team members who

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